
What is this website?

The Quick Chat aims to be your go-to source for in-depth interviews with Rocket League’s top players, coaches, and community leaders. Join us for insightful conversations about the game, the esports scene, and everything in between.

I want to go behind the scenes and get into what really goes on in the RLCS and in the Rocket League community.

For now, you can think of it as a website and an interview style podcast (on youtube).

Why is it called The Quick Chat?

The Quick Chat? More like the Long Chat, amirite?




My bad…

No Problem.

The name is a bit ironic, and I like that. The interviews are as deep as Gibbs’ rotations and as long as a 3v3 overtime. Ok I’ll stop with the jokes


I wanted a name that tied into Rocket League, but also reflected the nature of the content, which is focused on primarily interviews and the people in the scene, not just the gameplay.

Also if you ever play with me I absolutely will quick chat you lol. Espcially if you get tilted from demos.

Who is behind all this?

Hey, I’m Ani AKA Mr. Pirate in the Rocket League community. I’m not a pro, or a streamer, or anyone important. I’m simply a fan of Rocket League and Rocket League Esports, just like you, and I’m trying to make the content I wanted to see more of.

I’ve been playing this game since launch and absolutely love it. I’m a peak GC1 player, so I’m not totally dogwater (just kinda). I’ve been a fan of RLCS since some of the early seasons, but started following a lot more during the pandemic and the Open Era.

This project started because of an impromptu interview on reddit that got a really nice reception from the community. I was encouraged to do more interviews so here I am!

I’m a one-man show doing everything from hosting the interviews, editing the videos, creating the transcripts, making the website, and more. So I appreciate any support! I have a background in marketing, but there’s a lot I haven’t done before and I’m excited to see where this goes and what I learn from it.

What’s your vision for this?

My focus for now is to do more long-form interviews. This is a big experiment, so we’ll see how things go as I put out more stuff and get feedback.

I guess I’ve inadvertently started a podcast, so I’ll need to figure out how to publish that onto other channels. All in due time. For now you can find everything on YouTube or on this website.

There’s a ton of great RL gameplay content out there, but don’t you get bored watching the same type of “ranked 2s” content that most people put out daily?

I wanted to make something a bit more engaging that gets into the personalities and stories of the people in the scene. Rocket League content has gotten stale for a lot of fans but I think there’s a lot of room for more personal content. The esports scene has endless storylines.

There are many players who I have loved cheering for and spent countless hours watching, and yet I know almost nothing about them. I’ve never heard many of them speak.

Hopefully this can be an avenue for fans to connect with their favorite pros, coaches, and community figures. And vice versa, a way for some people in the scene to get a spotlight on them and create new fans.

Maybe in the future I’ll branch out into other types of content. I do enjoy writing (can you tell?) and I have plenty of ideas.

What are you selling?

Absolutely nothing. I have no plans to monetize this project for the time being.

No ads, no sales pitches, no aggressive marketing.

My focus is purely on making good content and getting it in front of the people who’d like to see it.

Maybe in the future things will change, but only if this takes off and it makes sense to do so. For now I’m spending my own time and money on this (mostly time tbh) and taking the loss.

I will be allowing (and encouraging) guests to promote themselves if they have something for sale or want to grow their social media. I think that’s quite fair and one of the reasons someone would want to be interviewed. That’s just how things work and these people deserve your attention for sharing their time with us. I hope you will support my guests as much as you support me.

How do I get in touch with you? Will you interview me?

You can message me on Discord. You could also message me on Reddit but their messaging is buttcheeks and I prefer Discord.

Discord: mr.pirate.

And yes I am looking for people to interview.

I don’t have any official criteria yet but I’m looking for notable people in the scene. If you’re a pro or former pro with stories to tell I’d be interested. If you’re a coach, I’d love to speak with you as well. If you’re a streamer or content creator it depends on if you’re relevant to my target audience.

Just reach out!